Monday 27 July 2015

Kangaroos at dawn

Tonight we slept to the sound of waves at Cape Hillsborough National Park resort. This park is famous for kangaroos on the beach. Dad woke me up at 6 AM. We went to the beach with our cameras and took some shots. Afterwards we had breakfast on the beach.

Not my footprints

Later that day we went for a hike where we saw lots of butterflies. I also went to a most excellent lookout called ‘Turtle Lookout’. From there I saw six Green Sea Turtles. But the most impressive was when we got back to the beach and it was so shallow, for it was low tide, I got to walk onto an island and found a cave. When we went back, I smelled something disgusting. First, mum thought that it was the mud on my shoes. But when we walked on the rock gave us a clue: We saw a dead Green Sea Turtle between the rocks.

Pity you can't smell this ...

We called the others, and while we were waiting for them I tried to get as far away from the smell as possible.


  1. Hi Jonas,
    You did some awesome things on my birthday. I wish I was there. Love Destiny xoxoxo

    1. Dear Destiny,
      Oh, it was your birthday! Lots of belated birthday wishes!
      Love, Jonas

  2. Wow, that's amazing Jonas.
    From Malie
