Saturday 1 August 2015

Bush Bird

We had been camping at Etty Bay close to the beach. I was just spinning around in circles and having fun falling down when they suddenly appeared: Big, black, sharp claws, scaly legs, a crest like a crown — the kings of the rainforest!

Funny look

Tent hunting


  1. Hello Jonas,
    That's really cool to get that close! You are such lucky ducks! We have just put together a jigsaw puzzle of Australia and located where you are on the map. Your postcard arrived today from St, Lawrence in Queensland so Miss T put it on the Smartboard for us all to read. This term we are learning about local places. Have you been chased by any wild animals yet? Hope you are having a great time. Your friends in 1/2T xxoo

    1. Dear 1/2T friends,
      Okay, i'll send another postcard soon, I've already got one in the tent.
      Love, Jonas

  2. Hi Jonas,
    yes, you are lucky ducks for getting that close!!!!!
    and we did do a jigsaw puzzle of Australia.
    you have seen whales, and we have seen New South Wales.

    1. Hi Imogen,
      Ha, ha, ha, love that joke!
      Love, Jonas

  3. from Imogen ^

  4. Hey Jonas,
    Cool cassowarys.

    From Malie

    1. Hi Luke and Malie,
      Thanks ;) They were mating right next to our tent. The female has the larger casque (crest), very unusual!
      Love, Jonas

  5. Hello Jonas,
    It looks like your having a great time. Did you make friends with the kings of the rainforests? It looks like you did!
    From Alana.C

  6. Hi Alana,
    I didn't make friends with the big feathery things!
