Friday 17 July 2015


Today I went on a whale watching cruise. The first thing I saw was a dolphin. After that we saw another one. Then we saw a shark. We looked around for whales, but we couldn’t find any. Soon after we got a radio from another boat that they had seen 2 whales. So we set off in the search of them and found them. Our captain said that they were about 2 years old. We followed them around for a while, but they only did blows and showed their humps, but they didn’t breach or fin flap. Minutes later they were still doing the same as before, when suddenly we saw a breach right in front of our boat. Eventually they started fin flapping, too. Suddenly 2 dolphins joined them. Together they performed a terrific show.

1 comment:

  1. Wow whales! I want to go whale watching.
    from Alana.C
