Monday 14 September 2015

The Other Pound

We walked up a steep and long hill called Mount Ohlssen Bagge. It is 430 m high from the start at Wilpena. We saw a couple of other bushwalkers, but no other party had people as young and as old as us, bushwalking with Mum and Dad and both grandparents. After 2:30 hours uphill, we arrived at the summit from where we had a beautiful view of Wilpena Pound. In the background we could still see the salt lake Lake Torrens. What a contrast, from dead salt plains with no life at all to the beautiful trees of Wilpena Pound and the Flinders Ranges.

Back at camp, we had kangaroos around our camp site, and six emus walking by and checking us out.

At the summit of Mount Ohlssen Bagge
Another summit photo with Wilpena Pound in the backdrop
Part of the track
Big Red River gum trees in the dry rivers
After the bush walk
Wild emus next to our tent

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